How to Become a Member of Pittwater Golf Club

The following is a guide on how to become a member at Pittwater Golf Club. It outlines the paperwork that needs to be completed, monies that need to be paid, the process of admission as a member, and the standards that members should uphold within our club.

Membership Forms and Information

If you are looking to become a member, first thing you will need is a membership form which is suitable for your age/club status.

We offer memberships for full members (over 18 years of age, male/female/other gender), junior memberships (16-18 years of age), sub-junior memberships (under 16 years of age), and social memberships.

Members (excl. social members) are entitled to:

  • use the club facilities for social golf at any time except during club competitions or corporate events,
  • enter into club competitions, and
  • utilise the club’s bar facilities when open on competition days.

Full members and Life members only are entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting.

Social members are strictly limited to use of the clubhouse facilities when open on competition days – use of the course and all practice facilities is prohibited.

Membership forms are to download below – fees for the current year (2025) are as follows:

  • 7 day membership (18+ years): $560 per annum;
  • Juniors (16 to 17 years): $200 per annum;
  • Sub juniors (under 16 years): $100 per annum;
  • Social membership: $50 per annum.

Buggy and cart storage are also available for a fee (subject to availability) once you become a member, if this something you are interested in email the club at or see Scott Noel for more information.

View from behind the 2nd green

Completing the Membership Form and the Process of Admission

Once you’ve downloaded/obtained a membership form, you will need to fill out all the relevant details, the next paragraphs will outline that process.

First, fill out the top section which require you to inform us of your name and postal address, along with a dated signature.

Next, please complete the next section of the form with informs us of your occupation, contact details, GolfLink number etc.

For your application to be submitted and for you to be successfully admitted as a member, you must have both a proposer and a seconder sign for you prior to submission. These two people must be current full financial members of Pittwater Golf Club (i.e. full members who have paid their fees for the current year). If you do not know anyone who is a member, personally bring your form when the bar is open on a club competition day to meet someone who can sign for you. PGC members may nominate two new members per year, and committee members and office-bearers may nominate an unlimited number of new members. Both the proposer and seconder must print their name and sign. The application approved field is not required to be completed.

The nomination fee of $100 must be enclosed with the application for it to be viewed by the committee. If you are successful in being admitted as a member, this fee is deducted from your annual subscription and you will be required to pay the remaining annual subscription fee before gaining use of the facilities.

Also complete the second page form which gives us some more information including emergency contact details so our records can be updated accurately and enclose this along with your application.

Once you have completed these forms and enclosed your nomination fee, you can either bring it to the club on competition days, or send it via post to P.O. Box 330, Rosny Park, TAS 7018.

For the period between when your application is submitted and the committee reviews the application, your nomination form will be made available for viewing by members. Membership applications are considered by the Committee monthly.

If you are successful in your application, you will be notified by a club official to pay your remaining fees. Memberships are renewable annually in January, by payment of the appropriate subscription fee. The Club offers a range of payment options of which you will be advised in your membership package.Subscription fees are to be paid annually by the end of January, beyond which non-financial members are not permitted to use the course for social golf, play in club competitions, or hold office until the fees are paid. Subscription fees for applications submitted after 1 April will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

View from behind the 7th green

Rules and Etiquette Standards at Pittwater Golf Club

All golfers at Pittwater Golf Club are expected to uphold both the Official Rules of Golf (as mandated by the R&A and USGA), local rules, must follow agreed golf etiquette, and follow dress codes.

Rules of Golf

A download of the Rules of Golf (last updated in 2023) can be found below, or alternatively you can download the Rules of Golf app.

Local Rules

Pittwater Golf Club has local rules (which should be read in conjunction with the Official Rules of Golf). These can be found on the back of scorecard, and are as follows:

  • 1. OUT OF BOUNDS: (a) Those areas beyond the course boundary fences (b) Those areas beyond any line of white stakes with black tops (c) Within recycled water dam fences marked with black and white post tops.
    • (a) All penalty area pegs, distance markers, power poles/stay wires and advertising boards
    • (b) All buildings, sheds and shelters
    • (c) All artificially surfaced areas
    • (d) Tree guards
    • (e) Taps and watering points including hoses/sprinklers
    • (f) Cart signage
    • (g) Rake holders
  • 3. FIXED SPRINKLER HEADS: All fixed sprinkler heads are immovable obstructions and relief from interference by them may be obtained inder Rule 16.1. Rule 16.1b applies to immovable obstructions close to putting greens. In addition to the types of interference described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists if an immovable obstruction is on the player’s line of play, and is within two club-lengths of the putting green, and is also witin two club-lengths of the ball. (Exception – There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.)
  • 4. Staked trees and staked shrubs are no play zones and ground under repair (the GUR includes the stake and any wrapping).
  • 5. If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit a power line during the play of the 9th and 18th holes, the stroke does not count. The player must play a ball without penalty from where the previous rule was made (see Rule 14.6 for what to do).
  • PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULES: Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for a breach of a Local Rules is the general penalty (stroke play – two strokes, match play – loss of hole).
  • The lowest Marker is the Captain of each Match and should ensure all players observe the Rules and Etiquette of Golf.

Dress Code

All players/visitors to Pittwater Golf Club are required to follow the dress code as provided by the committee (updated December 2023):

In the Clubhouse

  • Dress Code in all areas of the Clubhouse is smart casual attire.
  • Golfers/visitors are not permitted to wear track pants, football or board shorts, tank tops, t shirts, rubber thongs or plastic shoes.
  • Lady members and lady visitors are requested to use fashion discretion in the Clubhouse.
  • Golf shoes/hats are not permitted.

On the Course

  • Club policy requires all players to be neatly dressed.
  • Slacks, jeans or shorts are required.
  • Shirts must have a collar.
  • Players & guests are not permitted to wear track pants, football or board shorts, tank tops, t shirts or rubber thongs.
  • Golf shoes or flat-soled shoes only to be worn on course.

Golf Etiquette

  • No one should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.
  • In match play, the player who has the honour should be allowed to play before his opponent or fellow competitor tees his ball. In all other modes of play, ready golf is preferred for pace of play.
  • No player should play until the players in front are out of range.
  • In the interest of all, players should play without delay. If you cannot reach the green, you should hit up.
  • Players searching for a ball should allow other players coming up to pass them. They should signal to the players following them to pass, and should not continue their play until those players have passed and are out of range.
  • Before leaving a bunker, a player must rake their foot marks and any other disturbance of the sand. Rakes must be placed WITHIN the bunker, on the line of play.
  • All divots must be repaired by replacing the divot, and spreading sand over the divot, ensuring it is level with the ground surrounding. Sand buckets are provided and must be carried by all golfers. Pitch marks on greens and surrounds must be repaired by all players.
  • Players should ensure that, when dropping bags or the flagstick, no damage is caused to the putting green, and that neither they or their caddies damage the hole by standing close to the hole when handling the flagstick or in removing the ball from the hole. The flagstick should be properly replaced in the hole before the player leaves the putting green.
  • When the play of a hole has been completed, players must immediately leave the putting green. All scorecards should be marked on the next tee.